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Day was breaking, and the sun had already begun to peek its shiny head out through the clouds. Then the cock crowed for the umpteenth time, somewhere in Bariga,  just like it always did in every urban area. Iya-akara had already set up her akara stand at the entrance of ayinke street gate, rewire had done the same some meters behind Iya-akara’s stand along the street’s fence. The hub of activities that heralded a new day had begun.  The air smelled fresh and clean, the chatter of school children, the honking of motor cars and the usual ministration of bus conductors filled the air. You could take all of these in if you just took a moment to savor the scenario. Everything was nice and bright outside except in Iya Lukeman’s house. The usual battle was just starting.

‘Stupid man, good for nothing ashawo! Oloriburuku!’ Feed your children and leave those cheap girls outside alone!’ Iya Lukeman cursed as she ran out into the street with Baba-Lukeman hot on her heels.  I had just spent the previous night with my boyfriend, Demola. Demola was Baba Lukeman’s younger brother from their father’s third wife and they lived in seperate apartments in their family house.  ‘Where was Demola?’ I wondered as I ran after them. The commotion began in the early hours of the morning. At first, I heard the children crying next door but then it quickly turned into thuds, screaming and cursing. The violent thud outside  Demola’s door brought an end to my wandering mind.  I quickly threw a wrapper over myself and ran outside to find out what the commotion was all about.

The sight that met my eyes was something that I would not forget in a hurry. I walked out just in time to see Baba Lukeman slam his wife to the ground.  Confused and shocked,  I had never seen such violence. I stood there stoic not knowing what to do. Even my voice had escaped me momentarily. In a flash, Iya Lukeman picked herself off from the ground and dashed into the street still raining curses at her husband. Matching her speed, Baba Lukeman began to chase after her.

Snapping out of my shock, I did the first thing that came to mind… run! Finally, I caught up with them, witnessing their show of shame. ‘What caused all this?’ I wondered. Half naked, husband and wife were wrestling on the ground in the middle of the street. Two men had jumped in trying to separate the couple but they adamant about dealing with each other.  The scene was pathetic with bystanders either laughing or shaking their heads in disgust.

‘Iya Lukeman! Baba Lukeman! ‘ I called out as I approached. How on earth was I supposed to separate this duo? Where was Demola sef?’ I looked around frantically hoping that he would appear on the scene not knowing what next to do.

The couple was still trying to get at each other when Iya Lukeman, wrestled herself free and within a twinkle of an eye, she was off again still cursing. Again, I took off after her hoping that I would be able to catch up with her. ‘Somebody should hold her. Somebody should catch her!’ I was shouting. She was running towards the main road. Her parents lived on the street across the road. Then she just ran into the main road without looking. It happened so fast. The sound of brakes and the force that hit her skull was clearly audible. It was a sound that I would never forget. I saw the trailer crush my friend as I approached. Moments, before it happened, she looked back, locking her eyes with mine. They were filled with mad rage. The aftermath was a gory sight and time just seemed to stand still. Iya Lukeman didn’t see the trailer coming.

‘Adunni! Adunni!!’ I stood there, panting, screaming when I reached the road. It all happened too fast! Adunni’s remains lay splattered on the road like a smashed watermelon. There were blood and flesh everywhere. The trailer didn’t even stop. Predictably, a crowd had gathered as witnesses doing nothing but witnessing. Baba Lukeman arrived on the scene angry, shocked, confused at first but immediately realization dawned on him and his once angry eyes were filled with horror then tears as he screamed his wife’s name ‘Adunni!!!!!’. He was still screaming as he fell to the ground rolling, insane with mad tears! ‘Egbami, mo ti pa iyawo mi! Mo ti pa iyawo mi!’ Baba Lukeman kept screaming, eyes wide with disbelief as he rolled with the dirt on the road.

Everything just like the day had begun happened in a sequence from thence. I felt a hand on my shoulder, it was Demola. I was on my knees by this time. ‘Babe! Baby! Chidimma!’ I looked up at him, eyes wide. mirroring the horror in them. I couldn’t move. I felt him pick me up just before I fell into the deep abyss of dreamless sleep in his arms. I fainted.

It took four men to remove Baba Lukeman from the scene that day and a nurse to sedate him. But it wasn’t enough because he would occasionally mutter from his drugged sleep ‘mo ti pa Iyawo mi!’ with cold sweats and shivers.

Outside, dark clouds had gathered pouring out their saltless tears for hours on end upon the earth. There was no sunshine for the rest of that day.

The date was Friday, September 30th, 2014.

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